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Teaching English Abroad: 50 Online Teaching Schools to Find Your Dream Job

Guide to Teaching English Online:

Introduction: Teaching English online has become a popular career choice for many people who enjoy teaching and want to work from home or while traveling. With the right training and resources, anyone can become an online English teacher. In this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to become an online English teacher and provide you with useful resources to help you get started.

Step 1: Determine your qualifications To become an online English teacher, you will need to meet the following qualifications:

Step 2: Create a profile Once you have chosen a teaching platform, you will need to create a profile that showcases your qualifications and teaching experience. Be sure to include a professional photo and a detailed description of your teaching style.

Step 3: Prepare your teaching materials Before you start teaching, you will need to prepare your teaching materials. This includes lesson plans, worksheets, and other resources to help you teach effectively. There are many resources available online, such as:

  • BusyTeacher
  • ESL Printables
  • EnglishClub

Step 4: Start teaching! Once you have created your profile and prepared your teaching materials, you can start teaching! Be sure to follow the platform’s guidelines and communicate effectively with your students.

List of Resources for Finding Teaching Jobs Abroad:

  1. Go Overseas – https://www.gooverseas.com/teach-abroad
  2. Teach Away – https://www.teachaway.com/
  3. Teach Abroad – https://www.teachabroad.com/
  4. ESLCafe – http://www.eslcafe.com/
  5. Dave’s ESL Cafe – http://www.eslcafe.com/jobs/
  6. TEFL China World – https://www.teflchina.co.za
  7. TCW- https://www.teflchinaworld.com/
  8. TESOL – https://www.tesol.org/
  9. Teach English in Asia – https://www.teachenglishinasia.net/
  10. TEFL Jobs World – https://www.tefljobsworld.com/
  11. ESL Jobs World – https://www.esljobsworld.com/
  12. Teach English Travel the World – https://www.teachenglishtraveltheworld.com/
  13. Teach in Asia – https://www.teachinasia.co/
  14. ESL101 – https://www.esl101.com/
  15. Teach English in China – https://www.teach-english-in-china.co.uk/
  16. BridgeTEFL – https://bridge.edu/tefl/
  17. ESLstarter – https://www.eslstarter.com/
  18. Footprints Recruiting – https://www.footprintsrecruiting.com/
  19. Teach in Japan – https://www.teach-in-japan.com/
  20. GaijinPot – https://jobs.gaijinpot.com/
  21. JET Programme – https://jetprogramme.org/
  22. Teach in Korea – https://www.teach-in

50 TEFL teaching platforms

  1. VIPKid – https://www.vipkid.com/
  2. Qkids – https://www.qkids.com/
  3. Magic Ears – https://t.mmears.com/
  4. DaDaABC – https://www.dadaabc.com/teacher/job
  5. iTutorGroup – https://www.itutorgroup.com/teach-online/
  6. 51Talk – https://51talk.ph/na/teacher/
  7. Cambly – https://www.cambly.com/english
  8. PalFish – https://www.ipalfish.com/
  9. Preply – https://preply.com/en/skype/english-tutors
  10. Verbling – https://www.verbling.com/
  11. Open English – https://www.openenglish.com/
  12. Lingoda – https://www.lingoda.com/en/
  13. RareJob – https://www.rarejob.com.ph/
  14. Learnlight – https://www.learnlight.com/
  15. EF English First – https://www.englishfirst.com/
  16. TPR Education – https://tpr.edu.vn/
  17. Englishunt – https://www.englishunt.com/
  18. ALO7 – https://tutor.alo7.com/
  19. Engoo – https://engoo.com/
  20. Teachlingo – https://teachlingo.com/
  21. Bibo Global Opportunity – https://biboglobal.com/
  22. Acadsoc – https://www.acadsoc.com/en/online-teaching-jobs.html
  23. Buddy School – https://www.buddyschool.com/
  24. DigiNo – https://digino.org/online-esl-teaching-jobs/
  25. Gogokid – https://teacher.gogokid.com/
  26. HappyTutors – https://happytutors.com/
  27. Pingu’s English – https://www.pingusenglish.com/
  28. SayABC – https://t.sayabc.com/
  29. Skimatalk – https://www.skimatalk.com/
  30. Tandem – https://www.tandem.net/
  31. Teachling – https://www.teachling.com/
  32. Topica Native – https://topicanative.com/
  33. Voxy – https://voxy.com/
  34. WSE Online – https://www.wseonlineenglish.com/
  35. Yeko – https://yeko.io/
  36. BlingABC – https://www.blingabc.com/
  37. FOOBOO – https://www.fooboo.co/
  38. Liulishuo – https://www.liulishuo.com/en/
  39. Monkey Tree English – https://www.monkeytree.com.hk/
  40. Pop On – https://popon.co.kr/
  41. RedKiwi – https://www.redkiwi.co.kr/
  42. Skyeng – https://skyeng.ru/
  43. Sprout4Future – https://sprout4future.com/
  44. Talk915 – https://talk915.com/
  45. Tutlo – https://www.tutlo.com/
  46. TutorComp – https://www.tutorcomp.com/
  47. UUABC – https://teacher.uuabc.com/
  48. Yoli – https://www.yoliworld.com/
  49. Ziktalk – https://www.ziktalk.com/
  50. Zumo Learning – https://zumolearning.com/

15 thoughts on “Teaching English Abroad: 50 Online Teaching Schools to Find Your Dream Job”

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